Tuesday 5th July

An evening of light air, although the race was completely devoid of wind only briefly. Race Officer Neill Ross set a short course up and down the Shandon shore.

Thalia and Catriona were on the line at the start, the others just a little back.

Teal and Catriona have got into the habit of covering each other. Catriona, on starboard tack, was following Teal out into the loch when she was obliged to change tack so as to avoid colliding with give way boat Thalia. At first irritated by having her tactic spoiled, Catriona found good wind and a lift near to the shore and prospered. It was Hermes who followed her round the windward mark for the run down the loch towards the club.

There was time for a second round. All currents of air left the windward mark just as the leader was approaching. She had just enough momentum to get round clear of the pack. In which there was some confusion. Hermes found herself approaching on port tack (at least with the boom on her starboard side), her helm distracted by the loss of an imposing red hat. Unfortunately Teal, with right of way, had to take avoiding action. That left a gap for Thalia. Downwind, try as she might, Teal could not get the place back. Towards the leeward mark, she came under threat from Zoe and narrowly avoided having to give mark room.

1 Catriona, 2 Thalia, 3 Teal, 4 Zoe, 5 Hermes, 6 Ceres.

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