Tuesday 19th July

With no race officer on shore, Thalia’s helm selected a beginning with a downwind leg to D, north of Clynder.  Thalia set off with elan followed by the Zoe and the rest.  Wind lightened as we approached D and we all came close, Thalia still ahead.

After the mark, wind lightened so that direction was indeterminate and progress was measured against flecks of debris on the water.  Catriona was unpleasant to Teal, to windward.  She luffed to a collision course and as the gap closed Teal, with limited manoeuvrability,  left it too late to respond.

Ceres was in the fray, Zoe further up the loch looking for wind.  Catriona set her sights on Thalia.  She set a spinnaker, which did no good, but managed to draw level.  The two battled for some time, tacking and gybing with little change of direction, their racing flags seldom pointing in the same direction.  Eventually, Catriona managed to pass ahead on port tack, Thalia with right of way on starboard was unable to reach her.

By this time, wind was filling in on the Shandon shore in which direction Catriona was pointing.  Thalia stayed too long in the light air and was passed by Ceres and Zoe.  The best wind of the evening took us to the finish.

1 Catriona, 2 Ceres, 3 Zoe, 4 Thalia.  Teal and Hermes DNF

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