Tuesday 26th July

The trees had been moving all afternoon but persistent rain eventually drew the life from the wind.  Many were disheartened.  Especially after the highlight of the World Championship at the weekend.  Only three turned out to race.  Athene had been making repairs to the track on her mast which caused her to be late for the start.

Race Officer Alan Armstrong chose the shortest course, to the A mark off the club and back.  The first leg a good beat.  Catriona, with Penny Davisdon at the helm, maintained momentum better in the light air and established a lead which only increased.  Hermes was suffering from poor acceleration.  Athene’s late start did for her.  She tried going inshore, but was not favoured by lack of wind and less helpful tide.

The Pipers were given a second round.  As even larger patches of smoothness appeared on the water, Neil finished the Garelochs after one.

1 Catriona, 2 Hermes, 3 Athene.

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