Sunday 14th July

Another magnificent day. Sunshine and wind. Race officer Peter Proctor took advantage and sent us on a long course beginning with a beat to E, near Rahane on the Clynder shore. We were joined by Juno who had sailed across from Clynder.
Now the tide was flooding and it seemed obvious to head out towards Clynder. Zephyrus found a hole behind the starting line so that when she started (at the favoured shore end), most of the fleet was well across the loch. Juno got away especially well. Catriona tacked back towards the Shandon shore and was surprised to see Zephyrus, on Starboard, cross well ahead. It was in Zephyrus’s mind to cross the fleet on starboard after they had tacked. She failed to register the huge advantage of being near the Shandon shore. A lesson not lost on Juno or Catriona. When these two finally had to commit to sailing across the loch, the problem of light and changeable wind on the Clynder shore became obvious. Juno rounded first by a margin to begin the fineish reach back across the loch to F at Shandon Church. She was not prompt with the spinnaker and, unsure of the direction, bore away too much. Catriona made her kite pay. On account of the bear away, Juno was sailing a little higher than was comfortable and lost the lead.
Ceres was on the pace and was third for a long time until Hermes overtook on the approach to E. Athene was leading the rest.
There was time for a second round. Catriona found better air first and stretched her lead. Some thought to try the Clynder shore again. It might have seemed OK for a while but wind was filling in from Garelochhead. Those who stayed on the Shandon shore got to it first and the gaps widened. Athene kept Thalia at bay for a long time but was had on the approach to the windward mark. Trying conditions near the Clynder shore.

1 Catriona, 2 Juno, 3 Hermes, 4 Ceres, 5 Thalia, 6 Thia, 7 Athene, 8 Zephyrus.

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