Tue 29th Aug

The last race of the summer series.  Race Officer Neil Isaacs set a course beginning with a leg to windward to D, north of Clynder.  The shore end of the starting line was favoured, Thalia started in the best place with Athene well placed.

Each boat had a decision to make.  Wind seemed better out in the loch but the adverse tide was stronger out there too.  Further to complicate things, there were holes in the wind and big changes of direction.  Hermes is always fond of the Shandon shore and stuck to it until it was clearly not working.  She tacked out but still stayed to the right.  Zoe too began on the right side.  Most of the rest did their best with the tide and capricious wind in the middle.  Dione looking strong.  A substantial backing and steadying of wind favoured those nearer the Clynder shore.  Catriona got the best of it.  Dione was second but fell back a couple of places after penalty turns arising from a run in with Zoe.  She got the place back from Thalia downwind.

There was a reach to the finish, a point of sailing on which overtaking is unlikely.  Dione was not able to get back at Zoe.

1 Catriona, 2 Zoe, 3 Dione, 4 Thalia, 5 Hermes, 6 Thia, 7 Halcyone, 8 Athene, 9 Zephyrus, 10 Ceres.

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