Tue 17th Jul

It was an evening of light and changeable air. Race officer Peter Proctor chose one of the shorter courses (to D, north of Clynder, and back) thinking there might be time for two rounds.

The pin end of the starting line was favoured. That led to congestion and some angst as many favoured a start on port tack at the pin whereas Teal reached along the line on starboard and caught some out. Dione and Catriona went for the shore end. Dione getting the better of it. Both soon realised the pin was favoured.

On the windward leg, Catriona and Dione covered each other, each benefiting then suffering from the lifts and headers. Further up the loch Thalia prospered and Teal suffered a little. Halcyone went a long way up before tacking for the shore. It kept her in the mix.

Approaching the mark wind was kind to Catriona so that she round at first and was away before the wind died even more on the Clynder shore. Thalia caught Dione on Starbird and Teal was back on terms.

Some had trouble with spinnaker halyards on the run which
set back their cause

1 Catriona, 2 Thalia, 3 Teal, 4 Dione, 5 Halcyone, 6 Zephyrus, 7 This, 8 Ceres

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