Sun 12th Aug

It was wet and windy.  Crews for six Garelochs arrived at the Club but only four left their moorings and one of them thought better of it.  Lucy Forrester, who is without fear and prone to understatement, said it was exhilarating.

The on the water race officer struggled to find a good course with wind off the Shandon shore.  We began with a run downwind to Clynder.  Zephyrus got the best start and resisted Dione and Catriona to have the favoured inside position for the mark rounding.  Upwind to F, off Shandon Church was almost a fetch.  It needed only a short tack on port.  There was a racing mark from the Clynder shore out of position and north of F.  Zephyrus and Dione were misled by it and let Catriona into the lead.  Thenceforth, the course comprised either fetches or broad reaches so there was little scope for tactics.  It might not have made a difference because the order was established.

1 Catriona, 2 Zephyrus, 3 Dione. Thalia DNS.

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