Sun 2nd Aug

Guest report from Carol Rowe – Hermes

This after lockdown was the second Sunday race and winds appeared favourable to a good sail. In the event as things turned out 2 boats that were short of crew being with only one on board had more wind than was comfortable and other boats with crew found at times that the wind was a bit dramatic. All however were able sail without damage. 
In advance of racing a sail past with Zephyrus leading the 8 boats took place with ensigns being dipped at Gullybridge to salute George McGruer who has recently taken up residence there.
On the water Race officer Barrie Choules selected a course that involved zig zagging the loch from the start to north of Gully bridge across the loch to Clynder across again but to the mooring field off the Club and back to the start line followed by a second round. The pin end was favoured on a starboard tack  and after the usual melee the fleet spread out with the leading group Teal Catriona Circe and Zephyrus not being challenged by the next group of Ceres Hermes Halcyone and Luna
Charles Darley on Catriona recovered her usual first place on the first leg but lost it following a poor rounding of the windward mark.  Variable wind off the Clynder shore helped Catriona back into the lead. Circe was going very strongly and challenging the leading pair Catriona and Teal. However on the second round she misread the course and massively overstood the layline to G allowing Zephyrus in to third. Halcyone and Ceres both single handed suffered in the strong gusts and fell back in the second round Halcyone joining the third group and Ceres falling to the rear.
All were pleased that racing had resumed.
1 Catriona, 2 Teal, 3 Zephyrus, 4 Circe, 5 Hermes, 6 Halcyone, 7 Luna, 8 Ceres.

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