Tue 27th Jul

Weather was overcast with a north-westerly light – gentle breeze. The race officer opted for course H8, taking the form of a triangle north of the start line.

Most seemed to have a decent start, before beating across to the first mark (E) off the east shore of the Rosneath peninsula, with Catriona leading. Dione emerged to take second position on the approach to the first mark; however, by the time this was rounded, Catriona had improved her lead under white sails only, on the reach back across the Gareloch, towards the second mark (F).

Dione, still in second, rounded the first mark, with Ceres, Thalia and others not far behind, rounding the mark shortly after. Dione was first to raise the spinnaker for a tight reach across the loch, with Ceres following shortly after. However, Dione managed to increase the gap by the second mark. Catriona was first to cross the finish line, where a shortened course was signalled. Next Dione, and then Thalia and Ceres.

Results: 1 Catriona, 2 Dione, 3 Thalia, 4 Ceres, 5 Hermes, 6 Luna, 7 Thia

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