Tue 17th May

Race report from the Secretary

The Gareloch was glassy in places as we met in the car park.  Overcast but dry, people thought to take waterproofs which was as well.

With wind blowing from the Shandon shore, Race Officer Iain MacGillivray [& Assistant RO Ufo Sutter!] was not able to set a start to windward.  In the light air he sent us on a run to C, at the north end of Clynder, and back.

The wind increased, both in strength and changeability, and with it came rain.  The sort which gets down your neck.

Dione and Catriona had a battle to the left side of the leg.  Dione, to windward, left insufficient room for the leech of her spinnaker and there was a brushing of sails.  Having to take down a spinnaker for penalty turns leads to substantial delay.

Meanwhile, Thalia, Halcyone and Hermes had prospered on the right side of the leg and were at C early.  Thalia (just in the water, her first race of the year) rounded with a substantial lead from Halcyone and Catriona.

Catriona tacked away to clear her air and then sailed especially badly whilst trying to fix a problem (of her own making) with a spinnaker sheet.

Iain sent us on a second round.  Spinnakers this time were more awkward of account of gusts associated with changes of direction.  Dione profited from hers and led Halcyone at C.  Thalia well in front.

Catriona was briefly optimistic about gaining a place on the beat back to the finish.  The average of the gusts and shifts kept Halcyone ahead of her.

Thalia had rounded the wrong mark at the end of the first round.  Her good work was in vain.

Going ashore from the moorings, some of us were wet.  Others very wet.

1 Dione, 2 Halcyone, 3 Catriona, 4 Thia.  Hermes DNF.  Thalia NSC (RO Teal)

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