Tue 21st June

Report from Circe.

A lovely Tuesday evening, wind blowing ENW, and for once what could (almost) be considered a (reasonably) constant (ish) wind for the Gareloch.

On the line there was a gradual dawning that the Invisible Man was the RO, so a quick decision was made to sail course L1, heading upwindish to mark G first. The Sonars left, followed by the Garelochs, and they were just close enough to be able to see the Sonars going round the upwind mark. Perhaps – was a trick of the light? The squashed up spacing of marks F and G? Or that the Sonars went round mark F instead of G (!) But it was enough to lure those at the front of the Gareloch fleet (well, Catriona anyway), up towards F. Halcyone (single handed) was speeding along and took the lead, followed by Teal, Circe, Dione, Ceres and Thia. Across the loch and on rounding C, a look back found Catriona skulking back downwind to correctly round mark G. Circe had a shocking spinnaker launch allowing Dione and Ceres past, and on the downwind leg, Teal (with spinnaker) cruised past the white-sailed Halcyone.

Down to A, back to Z and round again for the second lap. Circe made some good ground and moved back into 3rd position by the time G was reached again, but then lost a position back to Dione following another spinnaker mare! Meantime, Catriona had finished skulking and was climbing back up through the fleet, managing to overhaul both Thia and Ceres.

1 Teal, 2 Halcyone, 3 Dione, 4  Circe, 5 Catriona, 6 Thia, 7 Ceres

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