Sun 31st Jul

Report from the Secretary.

It began with bright sunshine and sufficient wind for boats to heel, but not so much as to wet the side decks. Five turned out, some skippers are away at West Highland Week.

With wind from the south, a course was set down and up the Shandon shore. The shore end of the starting line favoured, Catriona got there first. She tacked out and crossed the others but became cautious as they hardened up and continued along the shore. She need not gave worried.

Downwind, there was reluctance to set spinnakers. Some boats were single handed. The third sail was essential and eventually all succumbed. Circe was way off the pace, no doubt a result of marine growth below the water line. Athene went well but her crew, sailing for only the second day this year, not rust free. As at the recent championship, Halcyone and Hermes fought each other. It was resolved on the last downwind leg. With wind dying, Hermes was inshore of Halcyone and unable to keep her spinnaker filled.

Boats were drifting with the tide on the leg to the finish. Athene found new air blowing from the north and set a spinnaker on what had been a beat.

1 Catriona, 2 Halcyone, 3 Hermes, 4 Athene. Circe DNF.

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