Sun 23rd June

Race report from the Secretary (Catriona)

A wonderful sunny afternoon.  With wind.  Dione and Catriona were there, their skippers winding down from the wonderful Classic week in Denmark and Germany.  Halcyone, Circe and Arke too.

Wind was from the south west, a first it seemed for this year.  A course was set with a beat to B, off Silvers, and then back and forth across the loch.  The pin end of the starting line favoured, Catriona was early and obliged to bear away.  Fortunately with no one below her.  Circe got it just right, beating Dione, Arke and Halcyone to it.

The Gareloch did not have its usual fickle wind but some areas were better than others.  Dione prospered on the Shandon shore, close to the club moorings.  Catriona had tried to take a middle path so as to try and cover the fleet.  The rest of which had headed across the loch early.  Anyway, she got to B first and, although a bit late with her spinnaker, kept her lead on the run back to the Shandon shore.

It was at B that Circe suffered a broken rudder stock.  Without steering, she retired.

Time for a second, shorter, round.  Dione and Catriona were fighting at the front, Arke and Halcyone had found the less good air.  Catrioina still had the lead at the second rounding of B but it was close.  Spinnaker leg to C, up the Clynder shore.  Wind far enough forward to tax us, especially in gusts.  Catriona gybed the kite at C, which took her a little low on the leg to the finish, Dione dropped.  Again, wind was a little forward of the mast.  Dione was strong in the gusts but the spinnaker paid in the lulls.

1 Catriona, 2 Dione, 3 Arke, 4 Halcyone.  Circe RET

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