Bill McLaren & Tim Henderson's Restoration of Dione

In the late 1990s Dione had been lying in the open for some years and was taken in hand by David Spy with the hope of her being afloat for the 75th Anniversary in 1999.

Sadly fresh water had got into the bottom of the boat and the keel was rotten. David replaced the keel, stern post and stern elbow and scarfed the new wood into the existing stem post and horn timber at the stern. I think this is the only Gareloch keel to have been replaced.

At this point the project came to a halt and Dione lay well sheltered under cover for many years until January 2014 when she moved to a purpose built shed at Rowmore Cottage.


She has now been surveyed in detail, received a pastoral visit from David Spy, chocked dead level and Tim Henderson and I have made a plan.
