Sunday 3rd August

Another wet day. Normal service has been resumed after the especially good weather arranged for the Commonwealth Games. Race Officer Shane Rankin sent us on a beat across the loch to Clynder. When we started, the C mark appeared directly to windward. As it turned out, most time was spent on port tack. Catriona got away well and avoided light air at the shore end of the line. Zephyrus was on the pace. Teal found the light (and changeable) air.

From C was a reach back across the loch followed by a curious leg to B, off Silvers. Some set spinnakers from C, which paid. Even allowing for the generally poor gybes at the beginning of the leg to B. Catriona extended her lead and made her spinnaker work until wind died in heavy rain. Zephyrus found different air. Her spinnaker hindered her and allowed Hermes to pass. The leg to B became increasingly miserable for back markers. Halcyone was passed by Teal for no reason other than variable air. Catriona delayed her finish to more than an hour from the start so as to avoid the need for a second round. There is a sailing instruction to this effect for when there is no Race Officer on shore. No one complained.

1 Catriona, 2 Hermes, 3 Zephyrus, 4 Teal, 5 Halcyone. Thia RET.

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