Tuesday 28th April

The first race of the season and naturally, excitement and anticipation. Six Garelochs are on the moorings, four went to the start. The weather forecast had been poor so that the Sonars, with many youngsters as crew, stayed at home. As it was, wind was no more than brisk although it was cold.

The evening began badly. Shortly before the start, Catriona was recovering from a tangle of her mainsheet, lost concentration and incompetently ran into Zoe. There was no severe damage although both boats suffered broken rigging and retired. That left Thalia and Thia racing. They had been sent on a longish course, back and forth across the loch. During the second leg across to the Clynder shore, wind died away and left the fleet with no momentum. On this first evening, the light had begun to fade so that the two made for home. A Broadley finish at the G mark. Named after former Rear Commodore Sailing Ian Broadley, if no boat completes the course, the result may be determined by the positions at an intermediate mark.

1 Thalia, 2 Thia. Catriona, Zoe RET.

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