Sunday 3rd May

The weather on Sunday morning was especially discouraging. Rain and gusts exceeding 30kts. Most were put off but the forecast by WindGuru was for things to calm between noon and 3. Zephyrus, Catriona and Ufo and Miriam Sutter arrived at the car park.

Miriam took the helm of Catriona and indulged in some match racing tactics before the start of a run across the loch to Clynder. Zephyrus got the best of it but Catriona had an overlap to leeward, stayed with the green boat, and delayed her gybe onto Port to head for the mark. Eventually, Zephyrus took Catriona’s counter and that was that.

The crew of Catriona was extremely rusty after the winter lay off. It was suggested we finish after one round and have some practice. Zephyrus, felt the same. We tried some team racing moves. Trapping the opposition to windward, trapping them to leeward and preventing a gybe. It is clear that, against half decent opposition, we should be way off the pace.

1 Catriona, 2 Zephyrus.

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