Tuesday 11th August

Race officer Carol Rowe knew that wind was light and set a short course up and down the Shandon shore.  Wind had diminished even more by the time we started.

Tide was flooding, which should have helped on the way up the loch.  There is a strong back eddy near the shore at the starting area.  Ceres, Thia and Teal found themselves going backwards in very light air.  They lost heart and went home.  Catriona happened to make a good start at the pin end of the line and got the benefit of the flood.  Thalia suffered in the back eddy before making meaningful progress.

Later, there was a little offshore breeze so that we were able to complete the round.  Catriona, untroubled by Thalia, amused herself by racing Pipers.

1 Catriona, 2 Thalia, Ceres, Teal, Thia DNF.

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