Category Archives: Other News

McGruer Regatta & Clyde Classic Booklets

Gordon Drysdale, organiser of the McGruer Regatta in 2012 and Clyde Classic in 2013, is offering for sale copies of the sought after programme booklets that accompanied these memorable events. Priced at £10 each plus £2 p&p, they contain articles for those interested in yacht design, racing and building on the Clyde, together with beautiful photographs. Gordon can be contacted on [email protected].

Clyde Classic Official Programme booklet

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An attractive, professionally produced, 56 page collection of articles that accompanied Clyde Classic. Five articles on Clyde classics, including:

  • Lone Fox A Clyde Classic by David Hutchinson
  • Scots in Oyster Bay by Ewan Kennedy
  • Deliverance to Kelana by Gordon Drysdale

McGruer Regatta Official Programme booklet

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An attractive, professionally produced, 48 page collection of articles which accompanied the McGruer Regatta.  This includes an article on the Gareloch One Design class by Tim Henderson. Six articles on McGruer & Co and McGruer yachts, including:

  • Gareloch One Design by Tim Henderson
  • McGruer & Co A Century of Boatbuilding on the Clyde by journalist and photographer, Kathy Mansfield
  • A McGruer Love Affair by Colin Tindal
  • The Loch Fyne Skiff Yachts by Iain McAllister
  • The Mylne – McGruer Connection by David Gray
  • The Sultan’s Queen by Gordon Drysdale

From the Convener – Gareloch 90th Anniversary

The Class enjoyed an active season throughout 2013. Zephyrus (Eric Boinard) made her first appearance for some years and looked immaculate after 500 hours of refit during the preceding winter. Halcyone too (Shane Rankin) was resurrected, in her case from lying ashore in Kilcreggan for a decade, and entered the water in August. In total, we had 13 Garelochs racing at one time or another. With an ever growing fleet, competition was fierce at several levels including amongst those who do not usually win trophies. I suppose I should mention here that Charles Darley was overall champion for the season (again – well deserved nevertheless). A highlight was a visit to the Baltic in September where the Class was represented by eight members who enjoyed racing in Knaars on the Schlei fjord as guests of the FKY (the German Classic Boat Association). We lost – but the weather and hospitality were outstanding.

So 2014 brings the Class to its 90th anniversary, an achievement which no doubt would have given great pride to McGruers who built these lovely small dayboats in 1924. And, possibly uniquely for a class of its seniority, we still have the complete 16-strong original fleet. Of these, 15 are in private hands locally and able to race. Only Dione is in need of a major refit. She was generously donated by Adam Rodger to the Class who now own her, and the necessary refit which will last a couple of years has been put in hand under the leadership of Bill McLaren.

We do not intend to let the anniversary year pass unnoticed! Planned special events include:

  • a three-cornered team racing weekend in the Gareloch with the Howth (Dublin) 17 and Cultra (Belfast) Fairy Classes. Both of these classes – note – are considerably older than the Garelochs.
  • a mid-summer’s day passage race to Rothesay.
  • a ‘sail-past’ in sail number order at the end of the Gareloch ‘world championships’ where the salute will be taken by our Westminster MP Alan Reid who will also present prizes.

Of particular note is ‘Gareloch Reunion Day’ on Saturday 30 August. We would invite anyone who has had a past interest in the Class whether as owner, crew or stalwart supporter to join us for some informal racing during the day and/or dinner following the racing that evening in the Clubhouse. Speakers at the dinner, which is open to all RNCYC members and friends, are David Spy and Iain McAllister and the occasion will be used to launch ‘Gareloch Goddesses 1957 – 2014’, a private publication written by Tim Henderson. We are grateful to the RWYC and the RNCYC who have generously donated prizes for races on the day in the form of copies of Tim’s publication in recognition of their close connection with the Gareloch Class. If you would like to attend the dinner or sail in a Gareloch on 30 August, please contact me or class secretary Charles Darley.

Peter Proctor
Class Convenor

New Zephyrus Diary Posted

Eric Boinard continues his series documenting the restoration of Zephyrus. Part 7 of the diary covers the replacement of ribs and planks, and comes complete with detailed images highlighting the process. Be sure to read this, and all of Eric’s work here.

New Website Launched

Welcome to the new Gareloch One Design website. Given that this year marks the 90th Anniversary of the class, we felt that we should update our website to reflect the depth of activity and passion the class continues to enjoy. Please, browse the site and learn more about these wonderful boats, and the association that maintains and races them.