Mudhook Regatta 2019 (Sat 8th Jun)

A contingent of four Garelochs took part in the Mudhook Regatta, held on the east patch in the river.  The committee struggled with lack of wind to start with and moved further west than the usual east patch sailing area to find a decent breeze which improved over the day.

The races for the Gareloch Class belonged to Dione.  No one could touch her on the water.  She was first in the first two races and well ahead in the last.  Only to find she, along with Catriona, had not noticed a change of course and had missed a mark.  Notwithstanding the retirement, she was the class winner.  Hermes and Athene fought with each other.  Hermes finishing ahead of Athene in two of the three races.

1 Dione, 2 Hermes, 3 Catriona, 4 Athene.

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