RNCYC Regatta – Sat 24th Aug

A trying day on the East Patch for the Race Officer, Simon Pender.  He managed two starts for the one design classes in the brief moments when wind was sufficiently steady to set a course.

Catriona was almost swept the wrong side of the Committee Boat at the finish of the first but was able to avoid a tack to take a win from a charging (relatively speaking) Dione.

There was even less wind for the second race.  Catriona got away best from Dione.  The tide was different on either side of the course on account of the swirl which forms off Helensburgh.  Dione was caught in the adverse eddy.  Catriona covered her so that Athene, in better breeze and tide, took a strong lead.  Downwind movement over the ground was dominated by tide.  As Athene arrived at the downwind mark, there was very little movement of air and she was swept past.  Catriona arrived on the merest zephyr and was able to round and make her way back upwind to the finish.

1 Catriona, 2 Athene, 3 Dione.

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