Saturday 1st May

Your usual correspondent attended another event.  Roger Kinns, of Thalia, reported:

I set L6 for Thalia, Catriona (Penny and Jennifer) and Hermes (Carol and Donald).  Chose the Shandon side of the loch towards B following an “after you” start from Z, while the other two went for the Clynder shore.  Hermes got the best wind and was round B much earlier than Catriona and Thalia. Hermes didn’t have to set a spinnaker with her big lead – we had a nip and tuck race with Catriona using spinnakers in very variable wind from B to G. Came second in the end, thanks to Catriona’s northward deviation after rounding G.

1 Hermes, 2 Thalia, 3 Catriona.

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