Saturday 5th September – Dog Race

Followers of this annual event, instigated many years ago by David Ryder-Turner, will remember that there is a time allowance depending on the length of dog.  Formerly 5 seconds/inch, the class has caught up with the metric system so that new allowance is 2 seconds/cm.

Four dogs arrived at the club to be measured in.  Lolly, a black Labrador, sailing on Halcyone was longest.  Milton (named after his place of origin) made a useful contribution to Hermes.  Caillie, a Beagle on Catriona, and Brodie on Zephyrus were both shorter, but still helpful at over 1m.  It was Brodie’s third dog race which made him the most experienced dog.  He is Australian (although has no trace of an accent) and a cross of several breeds, including Irish Water Spaniel.  What could be more appropriate?  Athene was unfortunately without a dog although she did bring along a small cuddly toy.

Milton is not especially fond of other hounds.  He did not share the launch on the way out to Hermes.  Caillie, on Catriona, was anxious to get going and much happier once underway.  Brodie and Lolly took things in their stride.
Race Officer Neil Isaacs sent us on a windward leg across the loch to D, north of Clynder.  Next, a leg offwind back across the loch to G.  Not for the first time, Catriona led the fleet to the wrong mark, the more northerly F.  Most of the fleet noticed as they rounded for the run to the finish.  Hermes, Zephyrus and Halcyone all had trouble with spinnakers.  Catriona and Athene were, thus, firmly first and second on the water.  The mix up over marks having happened before, the boats were careful to leave G on the correct hand.  Except for Zephyrus.

Catriona was safe in first place, Caillie making a useful contribution.  Milton swung it for Hermes, promoting her to second.  Bodie, badly let down, was gentleman enough not to show it.

1 Catriona, Caillie.  2 Hermes, Milton 3 Athene, ND. 4 Halcyone, Lolly.  Zephyrus, Brodie RTD.

A highlight of the event, the Dog Race fancy dress barbecue, was held in the evening at the club.  Barbara McManus had chosen the theme, Television, to commemorate John Logie Baird’s first successful transmission, 90 years ago.  Barbara herself was an aerial for husband Eric’s television set.  Sadly this had to be removed to make it physically possible for Eric to eat.  Worthy of note were Lasse and Lena Sutter as cameraman and presenter.  The winers were Ufo Sutter, who looked entirely natural as Fred Flintstone and Margaret Isaacs.  She was Mrs. Overall of the famous ‘Two Soups’ sketch.  We wondered if she was acting.

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