Sun 1 May

Wind to frustrate the race officer.  We had two rounds of a short course across the loch and back.  It ended up with more reaching than anything.

Dione got away well and found the best wind in the loch with Circe and Halcyone following.  Towards the end of the second round, Gareloch wind was up to its usual tricks.  Dione sailed into very light air and was being carried past the finishing mark by tide.  Circe set a spinnaker in an area of pressure and almost took the win.  Dione found a bit of boat speed just in time.  Catriona caught up to Halcyone but could not make the pass.

1 Dione, 2 Circe, 3 Halcyone, 4 Catriona, 5 Zephyrus.  Hermes DNF

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