Sun 12th Jun

Report from the Secretary.
It was admittedly a little windy. It was blowing down the Gareloch so there was the usual chop in the moorings which is uncomfortable. It unnerved most of those who went out to their boats, only Hermes and Catriona raced. Hermes with a reef in the main. As soon as the boats were off the moorings, they settled. It was rare for water to come up the side deck.
A course was set beginning with a beat to windward to D, off Clynder. As the two approached D, wind moderated and the sun came out. Hermes suffered from her reef here. The tack into D was characterised by headers so that Hermes found herself with a significant way to go up the Clynder shore in light, variable air. That put paid to her challenge.
It was decided between the two that one round was sufficient, wind increased again and brought rain with it.
1 Catriona, 2 Hermes.

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