Sun 18th Aug (updated)

There was wind.  Strong gusts and the usual changes of direction and local lulls made life awkward. Teal read the changes of direction correctly and got away at the favoured end of the starting line.

There was a lot of mark related interest. Firstly the E mark had dragged to end up by D and Teal – leading – had to round E first to be certain it wasn’t D! Then across the loch to G in strong wind but not before mistakenly aiming at F. Luna and Athene, after minor gear failure, went home early.

Then of course with the E mark missing a buoy had to be selected in place of the missing E mark. At this point Catriona snatched the lead with some nifty play of the gusty shifts right at the mark. Teal however gybed and headed out into the loch on port and found good pressure which allowed her to undertake Catriona before gybing back on to starboard.

There were some broaches under spinnaker in strong gusts on the final run back to Z. Catriona stayed close but could not pass.  Hermes a little further back. All perhaps glad that the just over an hour had passed and the race finished after one round….

1 Teal, 2 Catriona, 3 Hermes.  Luna and Athene DNF.

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