Only four boats turned out, mostly because of competition with Andy Murray’s Wimbledon singles final which was on at the same time as the Gareloch race. Charles Darley (Catriona) was away in the USA for the Seawanhaka/RNCYC team racing series. However, participating crews were supplemented by two guests; Cara from the Royal Yorkshire YC on Hermes and Gordon staying over from New Zealand with Tom and Tricia Stewart on Thalia.
Race Officer Peter Proctor set course L6 in view of the prevailing south-westerlies F 2/3/4 variable (as ever).
Halcyone and Hermes got off to a good start while Thalia spent time avoiding the start-line Z mark in a strong flood tide. The two leading yachts took better early advantage of the changeable wind direction and put distance between them and Thalia and Athene who never really manged to catch up throughout the race.
Hermes and Halcyone enjoyed close competition in first and second places while Athene from time to time got close to Thalia without ever actually overtaking.
The first lap was completed in just under one hour. Hermes put up her spinnaker on a reach from B to C during the second lap but ran into difficulties when jibing with it at C. This allowed Halcyone to move into first place which she held on to until finishing at Y.
Result: 1) Halcyone 2) Hermes 3) Thalia 4) Athene.