Again, gusts of over 30kts had been forecast. It was gusty, but not that bad. On the Water Race Officer Roger Kinns sent us on a beat across the Loch to D, north of Clynder. There was confusion on Hermes and Catriona over the course. Hermes, nevertheless, made a good start. Catriona didn’t. Stuck in disturbed air, she watched as the leaders got away into better wind in the loch. Hermes and Thalia were leading comfortably at the windward mark.
Downwind, Hermes and Zephyrus declined spinnakers. Hermes kept her lead, Zephyrus dropped a place.
It seems Hermes does not benefit from a course card, so that her afternoon was spoiled by visiting a wrong mark on the second round. Catriona got close to Thalia, but could not make the pass.
1 Thalia, 2 Catriona, 3 Zephyrus. Hermes DNF.