Sunday 25th September

The last of the Sunday races.  There were white horses out in the river and it was a bit cold.  Six crews went on board but three of them decided it was too windy. If the sun had been shining, they might have felt better.  As it was, wind was never strong enough to push the lee deck under water and there were some light patches later in the race.
On the water Race Officer Roger Kinns selected one of the longer courses beginning with a windward leg across the loch to Silvers.  Teal and Catriona, racing each other, were both early at the starting line and had to go round.  Catriona might have come out of it better but wrapped her main sheet around the counter and was therefore second.
Teal kept her lead to the windward mark.  She kept it on the long leg downwind to Shandon Church.  Despite the wind becoming light and very fluky.  The leading pair both saw their racing flags spin round, which is especially frustrating when carrying a spinnaker.
The third leg was upwind again, to Clynder.  Teal with a substantial lead failed to keep close cover.  She found a patch of light air as Catriona was on her final tack into the mark and rounded a couple of boat lengths behind.  The leg to the finish was a fine reach with very little scope for overtaking.
1 Catriona, 2 Teal, 3 Thalia.

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