Sunday 31st August

Perhaps some had been satisfied by the Reunion Regatta the day before. Anyway, six Garelochs turned out. Race Officer Peter Proctor sent us on a beat to B, off Silvers, thence back and forth across the loch.

Teal got the best start at the favoured pin end. She hit the starting line going fast immediately after the gun. Catriona tried to squeeze her out but hadn’t the speed and fell astern.

Out in the loch, there was good wind but adverse tide. Catriona was obliged to go there so as to clear her air from Teal. Zoe followed Catriona, the rest went down the Shandon shore. Further out paid. Both Catriona and Zoe were in front of the rest when they next crossed. Teal got back to second, Catriona was away. Even a problem downwind with the spinnaker halyard tangled round the jib halyard did not cost the lead.

There was time for a second round. On the last leg, a reach from Clynder, Thalia gained under her spinnaker. Most did not set the third sail, thinking wind was too far forward and too gusty to be comfortable that far forward. Thalia chanced it and overtook Zoe and closed the gap to Teal.

1 Catriona, 2 Teal, 3 Thalia, 4 Zoe, 5 Hermes, 6 Ceres.

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