Tue 15th Jun

Eight boats turned out for Tuesday the 15th’s evening race, with the expectation of strong gusts and rain settling in later.

A course of L5 was set by the super efficient race officer on shore and, in a light breeze, seven boats started nicely on the line, like a swan with her goslings, whilst the ugly duckling of the fleet followed somewhat later, in dying airs. The breeze that is……

However, Luna had a cunning plan. Knowing full well there’d be a big header on the way to A ( ok, so she just got lucky!), she tacked in shore, found some air and made it to the mark just behind Halcyone. Catriona was already round and in the lead, as is not unusual, looking for some wind for her kite. As, in due course, we all were.

In ever decreasing zephyrs on the run to G, Teal and Thalia crept past Luna, who went a bitty inshore to miss the tide.

On the beat (more like a drift) back to the line, the order remained the same, though Dione made strides and almost stole Luna’s 5th place….but not quite! (round of applause, please).

No time for a second round, which was fine because although the wind didn’t materialize, the rain started as the last man stepped ashore!

1 Catriona, 2 Halcyone, 3 Teal, 4 Thalia, 5 Luna, 6 Dione, 7 Thia, 8 Ceres

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