Tue 21st Sep – revised/corrected!

The last Tuesday evening race of the year.  It is but five minutes since we were at Rhu Marina, excited to be launching and trying to remember where everything went.

Anyway, there was a little wind.  Not as much as forecast but certainly enough to race. The Sonars were there as well.  They were later arriving so that on the water Race Officer Daka Fadipe decided Garelochs should go first.  Which confused some.  The course, windward – leeward down and up the Shandon shore.  Being late at the start, as many were, seemed not to be important.  Finding some pressure of air was key.  Dione followed the shore and looked out of it but was first round the mark, beating those who went further out, attracted by ripples on the water.  We were reminded of Linda Pender, who has sailed on the Gareloch a few times, advising ‘Head for where the wind isn’t.  By the time you get there it will have arrived.  If you head for wind, it will have gone when you get there.’

Downwind Dione and Thalia in particular took to the shore.  Catriona, Halcyone and Teal went out.  The lead amongst those three kept changing.  Finding momentum and making the best of the transient puffs was key.

Thalia emerged from the shore to be first around the leeward mark, Catriona had an inside overlap on Teal and Halcyone.  Dione was just a bit later and found herself rounding behind the leading group.

Teal tacked out straight away, which was the thing to do.  When Catriona followed, it was too late.  Thalia tarried near the shore.

1 Teal, 2 Catriona, 3 Thalia, 4 Halcyone, 5 Dione, 6 Ceres, 7 Athene, 8 Thia.

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