Tue 24th Apr – the first race of the year

There is always excitement as paint brushes are cast aside and the Garelochs go afloat.  Eight are on the water Just now and there are more to come.  The Garelochs are looking well.  Dione, Thalia, Halcyone and Zephyrus all setting a high standard as they waited to be launched.
Weather was kind, the downpour as we gathered in the car park had passed by the time we were on the water.  Breeze was pleasantly light, just right for blowing away the winter cobwebs without drama.  Catriona’s young crew Lucy Forrester is always enthusiastic and brought along her schoolfriend Ruby, who crewed on Hermes.
Race Officer Jean Mackay set a short course across the loch to Silvers and back.  The pack was a little early at the line and was obliged to bear away from the favoured pin end.  Catriona thought she was going to be late but arrived at the pin just after the gun and did not look back for most of the windward leg.  Dione, newly afloat last year after a comprehensive rebuild, has a good turn of speed and arrived at the windward mark overlapped inside Catriona.  Her spinnaker handling let her down, though.  Her crew is new to Garelochs.  Catriona and Halcyone got past at the start of the downwind leg.
There was time for a second round.  By now, Halcyone was firmly established in second place and Catriona first.  Hermes was delayed at the leeward mark following a stuchie with Zephyrus regarding mark room.  She fought back to gain places on Thia and Thalia.

1 Catriona, 2 Halcyone, 3 Teal, 4 Dione, 5 Zephyrus, 6 Hermes, 7 Thia, 8 Thalia

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