Tue 25th May

A frustrating evening for Race Officer Hugh Normand.  Wind did not do what was forecast.  There was a breeze to take us to the starting area which died away to leave the Sonars and then Garelochs ghosting across the starting line.  Hugh had set a course back and forth across the Gareloch.  Catriona was the first to develop momentum.  As pressure increased on what was now a fetch to the first mark on the Clynder shore her lead grew and grew.  Ceres was next away from Thalia.  The rest suffering more or less from the still air in the starting area.
The second leg, a reach back across the loch (with little scope for changes in position) followed by a run downwind to B mark, off Silvers.  Ceres had kept her second place at the start of the run but needs more practice with the spinnaker.  Thalia closed although Ceres was still in front when Thalia dropped her kite (a little early) for the mark rounding.  How Ceres allowed herself to be passed here is a mystery.
Wind was still firm as Catriona approached the line at the end of the fist round but backed and lightened to nothing thereafter. The first four continued on a second round.   It was soon clear that could not be completed within the time limit.  Paddles were used to go home.
1 Catriona, 2 Thalia, 3 Ceres, 4 Dione, 5 Hermes, 6 Halcyone, 7 Thia.

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