Tue 28th May

Sun and wind.  There could be few better places to sail.  Race Officer Carol Rowe was able to choose a course starting to windward up the Shandon shore.

With tide flooding, the pin end of the line was best regarding both wind and tide.  Catriona got the favoured position.  Perhaps her approach was compromised by a luff from Thia because very soon Halcyone and Dione, who started further back down the line, had the advantage.  Catriona tacked onto port to go inshore and ducked Halcyone who tacked to cover.  She had not noticed a charging Dione and was obliged to tack back.  Catriona felt very pleased but could not hold Dione.

A reach across to Clynder was just too fine for spinnakers.  Dione set off on the run down the loch to the club with a good lead.  Teal and Halcyone indulged in some luffing, Halcyone dropped a place.  Teal was now well to windward of Catriona who had to respond to avoid her air being disturbed.  Dione, too far in front for it to matter, increased her lead.

Nothing changed on the beat back to the starting area.  There was time for a second round.  Dione was reeled in a little on account lighter patches of air.  For the run downwind to the club, Teal pushed hard from third but could not make a pass.  Dione trended towards the Clynder shore, which looked like a mistake.  She put on a spurt on the approach to the leeward mark.  She kept her spinnaker late to be sure of preventing anyone having an inside overlap (which would have given priority in rounding the mark).  The tactic was her undoing.  It led to a wide turn as she was slow setting up for the next leg upwind to the finish.  Catriona turned more sharply and was overlapped to windward.  The two stayed like that for a while before Dione dropped back.  Teal tried her luck further out in the loch.

1 Catriona, 2 Dione, 3 Teal, 4 Halcyone, 5 Thia, 6 Luna

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