Tue 4th June

Report from Clare, the Assistant RO

Breezy start with wind force 5 coming from North West making rigging challenging as boats bounced about. A couple boats were put off sailing by the waves and direction and strength of the breeze. Catriona 3 was first to get to race area, with Halcyone 15  to follow. Race start was delayed slightly as we waited arrival of Luna 1 .

Catriona 3 was quick to notice the lowering of the class signal and was underway leaving Luna 1 and Haycyone 15. The wind calmed a little to make some great racing. H8 was the course with the windward mark being the furthest north on the west side and provided some oportunities to decide if spinnaker use was required. The wind eased to provide some lovely evening sailing.

Catriona 3 finished in 1st  place at 19:55:40. 2nd Luna 1 20:01:35. 3rd Halcyone 15 20:04:36. With wind dropped to force 4 from North West the course was shortened so everyone could enjoy a pleasant sail to the moorings.

1 Catriona, 2 Luna, 3 Halcyone

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