Tue 8th Sep

This was a dull wet evening.  None of us would have turned out for a pleasure sail but, it being a race, there were six boats competing and we enjoyed it.

Teal was a little early at the favoured pin end of the starting line.  Having squeezed out Hermes, she was obliged to bear away.  Catriona, just behind, was able to start at the pin, spoiling Halcyone’s approach on her way.

On the first leg, windward to Silvers, Teal and Catriona were even for some time until a lift in the wind put Catriona in front.  The battle was then for second between Teal, Hermes Circe and Halcyone. All had their moments.  The final leg was was a fetch from Clynder back to the starting area.  Hermes had insinuated herself ahead of Teal at the mark.  In an effort to clear her air, Teal stood on down the Clynder shore before tacking.  The tactic did not work because Hermes, then Halcyone were able to tack at the mark and lay the finish.

1 Catriona 2 Hermes, 3 Halcyone, 4 Teal, 5 Circe, 6 Ceres.

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