Tuesday 16th September

The third race of the Ancient Mariner series.  Sailing on Tuesday evenings in September with a start at 6.  A success so far, certainly tonight was superb.

Wind was again blowing from the Shandon shore so that Race Officer Peter Proctor was obliged to start us on a spinnaker leg to D, north of Clynder.  Catriona got away well at the favoured pin end of the line and avoided the blanketing and luffing with which the rest of the fleet amused themselves.  She established a lead which was never challenged.  At D, Thalia, Hermes and Teal were in line abreast, Thalia inside.  There were changes of place upwind.  Thalia seemed to be going well under spinnaker but was off the pace going to windward.  Scruffiness below the waterline is suspected.  There was time for two rounds and she was in a strong second place at the start of the final beat to the finish.  Teal had been second but had had spinnaker trouble.  Teal got her place back on this final beat.  Hermes was not able to make a challenge on Thalia.  Circe, sailing single handed, set a spinnaker and kept Ceres at bay.

1 Catriona, 2 Teal, 3 Thalia, 4 Hermes, 5 Circe, 6 Ceres.

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