Tuesday 17th May

There was light rain and sufficient wind as we went out to the moorings.  Optimistically, we were putting our boats head to wind before the start so as to judge direction.  Race Officer Jean Mackay set a course down, then up the Shandon shore.

The forecast was for wind to die and so it did.  Those who began their final approach to the starting line with three minutes to go were late.  Thalia approached with the benefit of tide behind her and was well on the way to A, off the club, before the others had started.  Hermes and Catriona fought for second place in the very light and changeable air.  Every so often, a shower of rain put paid to any meaningful current of air.  Zoe, meanwhile, was unable to escape from the starting area.

For no discernible reason, Hermes and Catriona caught up to Thalia.  As the boats gybed with no change in direction, Catriona insinuated herself to the front.  Thalia took Hermes’s counter in a determined attempt to achieve an inside overlap at the mark.  What with the changeable air and the Pipers, one of whom showed little desire to keep clear of the right of way Thalia on her leeward side, Thalia rounded comfortably in front of Hermes.  By now, Zoe had given up and the rain was more persistent.  The Sonars and Pipers lacked enthusiasm and, being close to their moorings, went home.

Despite the rain, wind was now more steady and the three determined Garelochs got to the finish.

1 Catriona, 2 Thalia, 3 Hermes.  Zoe DNF.

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