Tuesday 19th May

Another windy evening. It was blowing straight down the loch so that the water had an unpleasant chop. Whilst boats were on the moorings, it broke over the foredeck every so often and unsettled anyone who ventured from the cockpit.

Crews for seven Garelochs went out. Two thought better of it and did not hoist sails. There was one of those unfortunate incidents where a boat which had just left the mooring failed to clear the boat on the next mooring. That left three.

Wind was strong enough to require sails to be eased but the boats felt happier than when moored. Teal realised too late that she was manoeuvring for the wrong starting line. Hermes was delayed by a wayward topping lift. Catriona made an acceptable start to take a lead which was never challenged. Down wind, there was no talk of spinnakers (although one of the Pipers set one). It was necessary to reach a little to avoid alarming rocking and rolling.

Race Officer Jim Findlay stopped us after one round and about half an hour’s sailing. No one demurred.

1 Catriona, 2 Teal, 3 Hermes.

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