Tuesday 22nd September

The last Tuesday evening race of the year.  It was a light, bright evening with good wind so that it seems such a shame, but it was pitch black by eight o’clock.

Race Officer, Peter Proctor, chose a long course, beginning with a windward leg to E, the most northerly mark on the Clynder shore.  Only Catriona made a half decent start at the favoured shore end of the line.

In the absence of Teal, Catriona chose to cover Thalia.  On a tack into the Clynder shore, Thalia found a lift which eluded Catriona so that she was temporarily ahead.

Approaching the mark, Athene had stayed in the better wind away from the shore and had boat speed.  She forced Thalia to tack and Catriona to duck.  Catriona was still able to lay the mark so that she was first for the downwind legs.  Athene was firm in second.  Ceres, meanwhile, from looking strong had dropped back in the lighter air of the Clynder shore.

On the run to the finish, Athene was close enough to make Catriona’s helm keep looking back, but no places changed.

1 Catriona, 2 Athene, 3 Thalia, 4 Hemes, 5 Ceres.

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