Tuesday 25th April

An evening when events conspired against us.  At the key moment when people wanted to get out to the boats, it was low water of a large spring tide so that we had to wait before the launch could come in to the jetty.  Meanwhile, the rowing dinghy used to get to the launch had been swamped in the large waves being blown down the Gareloch.  The upshot, everyone was late.  Hermes, Thalia and Zoe all suffered from those teething problems which characterise the start of the season and did not race.  That left Halcyone and Catriona with guest helm Thad Burr.

Catriona rushed to get to the delayed start but overdue, giving Halcyone a significant advantage.  The course was a short one, up and down the Shandon shore.  Wind, which had been strong all day, was now dying so that the sun was below the horizon by the time boats were on the second leg.  Catriona found the best of the air to get past Halcyone.  They finished at the second mark, A which is off the club.
1 Catriona, 2 Halcyone.

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