Tuesday 30th April

The first race of the season and a time of excitement. It was tempered for some by logistical difficulties in launching. Athene had to go afloat earlier than she wanted which made final fitting out more difficult so she was not ready to race. Iris was still ashore so that her helm arranged to be Race Officer. Five were ready to race but Thia had a minor failure of gear and so did not compete.
An evening with enough breeze to be interesting but not so much as to tax those rusty after the winter. That was all of us.
Catriona, with crew Barrie Choules and Lasse Sutter, made the best start and did not look back. Teal and Thalia were sometimes close on the beat to C, but never threatened for the lead. With wind of the Clynder shore, the approach to C was trying. On the downwind leg across the loch to G, Teal and Thalia fought each other which did nothing for their chances of the lead. On the third leg, to B, off Silvers, Hermes tacked out into the loch early. For a long time, she seemed comfortably last but the three came together to fight it out at B. There was a relaxed spinnaker leg to the finish.

1 Catriona, 2 Teal, 3 Thalia, 4 Hermes.

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