Tuesday 9th August

Wind was not exceptional, but there was enough for Race Officer Carol Rowe to send us on a beat across the loch to D, north of Clynder.  Teal got the best start at the favoured shore end of the line and was not to be caught.  There was a choice to be made of going up the Shandon shore or Clynder shore to begin with.  Zoe stayed right longer than the other contenders.  She was close to rounding in second place and was able to luff Catriona on the downwind leg across the loch. The luff prevented passing to windward but Catriona set a spinnaker, which Zoe did not, and made progress to leeward.  All this, though, let Thalia into second place.

Fearing the wind would die (as was forecast) Carol finished us after one round.  Teal was enjoying the sail and carried on, some of us followed for a second round.  Just for pleasure, of course.

1 Teal, 2 Thalia, 3 Catriona, 4 Zoe, 5 Ceres, 6 Thia, 7 Galatea

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