Sunday 4th September – Dog Race

‘The Dog Race was an idea thought up by David Ryder Turner some two
decades ago as a bit of fun to mark the end of the Gareloch sailing
season. It has always been held in early September because that was when
racing series used to finish; more recently, an early-start Tuesday
evening set of races and a Sunday afternoon series have taken the racing
calendar to the end of September but the timing of the Dog Race remains
Five Garelochs took part – Catriona, Thalia, Athene, Hermes and Halcyone
but only three dogs – Milton as crew member in Hermes, Bracken in Athene
and Lolly in Halcyone.  The dogs behaved impeccably.  Convenor Peter
Proctor did produce a stuffed dog who completed the race secured to
Thalia’s boom; Lena Sutter named the stuffed dog Fudge.
Dog measuring was carried out by Class President Gordon Mucklow who also
fulfilled the role of Race Officer assisted by Sue Mucklow. Tim and
Elizabeth Henderson kindly provided Blue Iris as Committee Vessel.
Gordon started the race from the A mark for a triangular course ABYA
and, despite the wind being a light south westerly, two laps were
completed.  Catriona led from the start and retained first place
throughout.  Similarly Hermes recorded second fastest times elapsed for
both rounds.  Thalia, Halcyone and Athene were competing closely for the
remaining places until Thalia infringed Halcyone’s and Athene’s water
rights at the Y mark second time round incurring a 720 penalty.
Interestingly, Halcyone, finishing on the water 19 seconds behind Hermes
in third place, claimed second place overall after times were corrected
for dog length.  For that Shane and Fenella Rankin had Lolly to thank.
Result (corrected times): 1) Catriona 1.12.46  2) Halcyone 1.16.02 3)
Hermes 1.16.07  4) Athene 1.20.36  5) Thalia 1.25.25

In accordance with tradition, a barbeque at the Clubhouse was held after
the race for which fancy dress was encouraged –  Barbara McManus had
proposed Olympic Games with a Brazilian twist.  A general invitation for
the event was extended to Club members other than Garelochs increasing
numbers attending to around 30.  Charles Darley inflicted a dangerous
Caipirinha cocktail on attendees at the start (unofficial cocktail of
the Rio Olympics, rum based and quite nice actually).  He also
generously conceded the race first prize (a dog’s body draught excluder
and inscribed dog drinking bowl) to Halcyone since none of his crew
members was a dog.  Francoise Proctor won the bottle of fizz for best
fancy dress.’

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